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Marine Solutions Ltd. "Arvanitis E. Brothers" is a family run business with our owned block of offices in Piraeus and our factory in Perama.
We have a dedicated staff who is familiar with all aspects of ship and engineering design and our management team is all University qualified in Marine Engineering.
Our team carriers 50+ years of experience in the design, construction, and installation of engines and machinery in nearly 100 new buildings.
Engineering repairing, drydocking support, hull repair and maintenance in nearly one thousands of various vessels.
In particular, we provide coverage in Greece and in all major ship repair facilities across the global to give precise marine and industrial engineering solutions.

Mission statement: To provide our customers with top-quality service in engineering design, manufacturing & support in marine & industrial installations.

Management team:

Evangelos Arvanitis - General Manager

Anastassios E. Arvanitis - Technical Director
BSc, MSc Marine Engineering; University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Athina Arvaniti Fragou - Legal Representative - Director, Accounting Manager & Quality Management Control
BSc, MSc Shipping Management, European University of Switzerland.


ISO 14001 2015 and ISO 9001 2015

ISO-14001-2015    ISO-9001-2015



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